- How should I lead a pious life?
- When I think of Tata and Vivekananda, for which person, I bow my head? Why? So Why am I not trying to become like him?
- Is the independece given to us by god making us forget our mission?
- Does this freedom of act and thought making us forget who sent us and why?
- Are we forgetting "You wont take it with you!".
- How can I realize my purpose of life?
- Why when all the men in this world are sent by same father, fight among themselves?
- What is love? Youth wake up!
- I lead a a little un ethical life but I want to change. How?
- Why our children aint taught love for god in schools?
- Why do our children disturb neighbours by shattering window glasses and making noise?
- Is there anything that we can do to chage our society?
- Is there anything that I can do to make my children more ethical?
- What are ethics?
- How should I bring my child up God:
- Who is God?
- Where is god?
- What is Good/Bad
- Can I wash my sins off?
- How can I a complete man! with Raymonds?
- I'm an atheist! Does this mean I'm evil?
Please be patient while reading any article. I believe they will certainly make an impact on your lives. Many fundamental rules I talked are not mine but they are passed from generations from our ancestors. So they must revive your inner self to see the light. We forget all rules in life as they look very trivial. But finally these pariticles of dust is Golden dust that make up the character.. Swami Vivekananda always emphasizEd "Education which doesnt mould a character is absolutely worthless!". Yes even if one is a Ph.D in Computer science and behaves un-ethically, his education is absolutely worthless. Please read the articles I've added whenever you get some time. I'll keep on adding them as and when I finish one... Please remember Life,Ethics and God are not mutually exclusive so you might find answer to more than one question in a single talk. I have not treated them independently... Thanks for your patience.
Did Vivekananda live a great ethical life?
Whatever a man does Good and Bad are to be weighed against each other and the one which overweighs should be considered. I totally agree that a preacher should always have the "Good" plate and no "bad" plate in his life, I would want to achieve that and my fellow men to achieve that. if you think Swamiji is not like that, may be he isn't perfect. Why don't you become one!
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